Fusion of various workouts to shape your body.
This workout is a unique approach to top BARRE workouts, fusing the best Pilates, Yoga, Cardio, and Strength training exercises. Barre involves a set of fun and dynamic exercises that get you into amazing shape! You are requested to bring a floor mat and small weights.
This workout is a unique approach to top BARRE workouts, fusing the best Pilates, Yoga, Cardio, and Strength training exercises. Barre involves a set of fun and dynamic exercises that get you into amazing shape! You are requested to bring a floor mat and small weights.
Make you postural alignment better, strengthen your strength and muscle balance.
Pilates include low impact, mat-based exercises that build strength, tone, and stretch. Pilates Fusion may use a traditional mat or use bands, weights, rollers, or discs. We request you to bring a floor mat when you attend our Pilates Fusion.
Pilates include low impact, mat-based exercises that build strength, tone, and stretch. Pilates Fusion may use a traditional mat or use bands, weights, rollers, or discs. We request you to bring a floor mat when you attend our Pilates Fusion.
Improve your flexibility and live better.
Yoga improves your flexibility, decreases stress, and maintains your health. Our yoga sessions include a series of postures to stretch the body, relax the mind with meditation, and breathing exercises. You are requested to bring the floor mat along with you.
Yoga improves your flexibility, decreases stress, and maintains your health. Our yoga sessions include a series of postures to stretch the body, relax the mind with meditation, and breathing exercises. You are requested to bring the floor mat along with you.
Tia Chi
Tia Chi is a practice that involves slow motion flow. It is a mind-body exercise that combines movements, meditation and deep breathing, Join this Class with Ti, our instructor, to get a refreshing workout.
20-20-20 Workout
Our 20-20-20 workout session is designed to bring the student in the ultimate fitness challenge and total body workout. The class is based on sweating through 20 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes of strength training exercises, and 20 minutes of stretching and core workout. You are requested to bring 3 lb. weights and a floor mat.
Strong & Fit
Be Fit with a STRONG & FIT Body! Our program consists of working upper and lower body with weights, resistance bands and adding Cardio. This is a Total Body Workout that YOU can do and see RESULTS. Join us for STRONG & FIT to get the body you have been waiting for. You are requested to bring 3 lb. weights and a floor mat.